Change hostname

###How to change hostname on Debian Server####

  • What is Hostname?

A host name is a name that is assigned to a host that uniquely identifies it on a network and thus allows it to be addressed without using its full IP address. Host names are very useful because it is much easier for humans to remember them than to remember IP addresses, which can contain as many as 12 digits under the currently mainstream IPv4 addressing scheme (or as many as 32 hexadecimal digits under the next-generation IPv6 addressing scheme). Moreover, it is a simple matter for system administrators to assign host names on a LAN or other private network.For more detail,please go through this website:

  • Step to change Hostname: From thserver to dns

root@thserver:~# nano /etc/hostname
GNU nano 2.2.4             File: /etc/hostname                      Modified


File Name to Write: /etc/hostname
^G Get Help         M-D DOS Format      M-A Append          M-B Backup File
^C Cancel           M-M Mac Format      M-P Prepend

###We have to stop and start service of hostname

root@thserver:~# /etc/init.d/ stop

root@thserver:~# /etc/init.d/ start

###After, we have logout and login the server


login as: root
root@’s password:
Linux thserver 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Mon Jun 13 04:13:06 UTC 2011 i686

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Last login: Sat Oct 13 06:33:27 2012 from

  • We can use command “hostname” to check our hostname server

root@dns:~# hostname

####You have done a good job####


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